Charity Works

Charity Works

Doing social and welfare work among widows, sick and old people. It is our desire to work among the poor of the poorest, the downtrodden people. Help is given regularly to some widows, and old people. Some of the sick people are helped for their medical treatment. Ours is a holistic approach, reaching every segment of the society.

It is our prayers that God will open up doors to help the poor and the needy for their marriage and education, to repair or build houses for the very poor people.

Widows Ministry

Our charity work also includes relief provided during the floods in Kerala in 2018 and relief provided during the Covid pandemic. We were able to help hundreds of people affected by Covid. We helped those who lost loved ones to Covid with medical bills, food kits etc.  During the floods of 2018 when people lost their houses and all household items we provided necessary household items, grocery kits and helped with painting their houses. We also work among slums providing blankets and food to help them from the harsh winter.

Widows Ministry

Covid & Flood Relief

Slum Ministry

Berachah Ministries & Mission
Berachah Ministries and Missions is an independent Christian ministry, committed to proclaim the love of Christ, obeying His Great Commission.


Berachah Ministries & Missions,

Grace Villa, TC No. 18/988(5),
Near Koodarapally,
Aramada PO,
Trivandrum – 695 032,
Kerala, India.

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